Crystal dash lights guide
Crystal dash lights guide

  • Jump left to the side of the right floating platform.
  • Climb the right-most wall to grab the first seed.
  • All four seeds must be grabbed without Madeline touching the ground - springs don't count as the ground though!.
  • Dash left to safety before Madeline hits the bad vibes on the ground.
  • crystal dash lights guide

  • Fall down the left side of the mini wall, again avoiding the slow-moving bad vibes.
  • Climb to the top of the mini wall, avoiding the slow-moving bad vibes.
  • Jump to the left over the moving bad vibe, then jump left to attach to the wall.
  • Hint : you must be low down on the wall when you start this jump or Madeline will hit the bad vibes above.
  • When the bad vibe begins to move from the right to the left, jump left over the touched part of the fuzzy ground, and land in the untouched part.
  • Fall straight back down between the bad vibes, then reattach to the right wall.
  • Jump slightly left so Madeline is right underneath the strawberry, then dash straight up, grabbing both the recharge and the berry.
  • When the bad vibe begins to move from the right to the left, drop down quickly onto the fuzzy floor while holding right, to only touch as little of the fuzzy floor on the right side as possible.
  • Climb down into the shaft on the right side and hold onto the wall.
  • Climb up the left fuzzy wall, then dash to the right fuzzy wall, then jump left to safety.
  • Move slightly to the right as you fall to avoid the bad vibes, then dash straight left again to the fuzzy ground.
  • Jump and dash straight left over the bad vibes to grab the recharge.
  • Land on the higher fuzzy platform, this time as close to the left edge as possible, in the untouched space.
  • Reclimbing Option 2: Repeat the wall jump from the first time off of the side of the lower fuzzy platform.
  • Repeat this step to get to the higher fuzzy platform, again landing as close to the left edge as possible in the untouched space.
  • Reclimbing Option 1: Jump and dash straight up just like the first time, but this time land as close to the left edge of the lower fuzzy platform as possible, in the untouched space.
  • Jump across the fuzzy floor into the second space that you left.
  • crystal dash lights guide

  • Once you are on the same level as the strawberry, jump up and dash right to grab it, and fall all the way down to the fuzzy floor, landing in the first space that you left there.
  • Land on the higher fuzzy platform, as close to the right edge as possible, leaving a space to the left.
  • Climbing Option 2: Dash straight up against the edge of the lower fuzzy platform and press jump to do a wall jump.
  • Repeat this step to jump onto the higher fuzzy platform, landing again as close to the right edge as possible.
  • Climbing Option 1: Jump and dash straight up, then land on the lower of the two fuzzy platforms, as close to the right side of the small platform as possible, leaving the left side untouched.
  • Jump and land as close to the left edge of the fuzzy floor as possible, leaving another untouched space on the fuzzy floor.
  • Jump and land in the middle of the floor, leaving an untouched space on the fuzzy floor to land in later.
  • Land as close to the right side of the fuzzy floor as possible.
  • From the first floating platform, jump and dash diagonally up and left to get over the bad vibes sticking out.
  • crystal dash lights guide

    This strawberry is super tricky and requires very precise jumps. Tricky strawberry! Continue left past the screen with useless strawberry-less Theo until you can see the next strawberry.

    Crystal dash lights guide